Plasmid DNA Preparation and Purification Services

Quick Turnaround Endotoxin Free Plasmid Prep for Research and Development

Plasmid DNA Constructs Cloned​
0 +
Viral Vectors Packaged
0 +
Plasmid DNA Preparations
0 +

Let's Start Your Plasmid Prep

Using endotoxin free and animal component free plasmid DNA helps researchers achieve highly efficient cell transfection and transduction, increases scalability for producing therapeutic vectors, and advances DNA vaccination and preclinical studies. Our team produces low- and high-volume, endotoxin free plasmid prep with options to choose from depending on your research application.

Need help determining which volume is right for your research? Contact our team to discuss your production. 

MidiprepMaxiprepLarge Scale Volume Plasmid Prep
Applications:Commonly used for screening clones, verifying insert presence, and routine analysis.Often used for medium scale cloning projects, transfection, and plasmid DNA required for moderate downstream applications.Ideal for applications requiring a high quantity of pure plasmid DNA, such as production of DNA for transfection, protein expression, or large scale cloning projects.
Deliverable Volume:100 μg1-2 mg1 gram
Purity:1.8 260/280 nucleic acid ratio1.8 260/280 nucleic acid ratio1.8 260/280 nucleic acid ratio

Need cGMP Grade Plasmid?

In collaboration with the Maxim Biomedical team in Rockville, Maryland, we have designed a tailored fermentation and purification plasmid manufacturing process. Our novel protocol yields up to a gram level of clinical-grade plasmid that can be used for DNA vaccines, gene therapy, or ex-vivo applications.

Plasmid DNA Preparation: Midi Prep, Mini Prep, Maxi Prep, Giga Prep

Plasmid Prep Production Overview

Plasmid DNA Preparation Service Requirements and Deliverables

Our plasmid team is excited to bring your project to life. To get started, please provide the following when starting a production.

  • Plasmid copy number
  • Specification of the plasmid’s antibiotic resistance
  • 1 μg of wildtype plasmid

Your plasmid delivery package will include:

  • High purity plasmid of the requested volume
  • Project report with quality control report

Plasmid DNA Preparation Protocol

Plasmid DNA preparation protocols differ due to a combination of factors, including the nature of the host organism, the desired scale of DNA production, the downstream applications, and the available resources. We perform plasmid prep using our proprietary plasmid DNA preparation protocol.

The materials and methods in a plasmid DNA preparation protocol can greatly impact the desired quality and quantity of plasmid DNA for downstream experiments. If you have certain requirements, please discuss them with our production team.

Plasmid Prep Service or Plasmid Prep Kit?

Some labs order plasmid prep kits from vendors to perform in-house plasmid DNA preparation, however these kits have drawbacks: they may require a whole day’s worth of time and the initial plasmid DNA requirements may be more than you have on hand. In addition, intricate timing and technique is required to obtain high purity plasmid. Our plasmid prep services save you time, require only 1 µg of wildtype plasmid DNA to begin, and achieve a level 1.8 260/280 nucleic acid ratio. Read more about why a plasmid prep service is easier than a kit.

Plasmid DNA in Precision Medicine

Having higher volumes of plasmid on hand allows precision medicine scientists to advance their research faster. With large quantities on hand, researchers can accelerate transfection and transduction efficiency—especially when working with a large number of cells—increasing the efficiency and scalability of producing therapeutic vectors and ensuring the stability, purity, and identity of the DNA constructs for quality control.

Precision medicine research and development progresses everyday, and with it, the need for high-quality custom plasmid DNA.

Want to learn more about the latest in plasmid research? Our colleagues at ScienceDirect and the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology continuously collect and publish the latest information and research.

plasmid DNA prep, plasmid prep, plasmid dna preparation protocol, plasmid dna preparation services

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